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成語 - 小鳥依人 Chinese Idiom


成語 – 小鳥依人 Chinese Idiom

用戶搜尋的關鍵字: 小鳥 依 人 英文 小鳥依人意思, 小鳥依人造句

小鳥 依 人 英文: 徹底解析與應用指南

1. 小鳥依人 英文的基本定義

「小鳥依人」一詞源於中文,直譯為英文時常使用的是 “clingy” 或 “dependent”。這個詞彙描述了一種人隨時依賴、依戀他人的特質,通常帶有一種需要被照顧或支持的情感。

2. 小鳥依人 英文的起源與歷史


3. 小鳥依人 英文在日常生活中的應用


4. 小鳥依人 英文的詞語結構與文法解析

在英文中,表達「小鳥依人」的詞語結構主要體現在形容詞 “clingy” 或 “dependent” 上。這些形容詞用來形容個體對他人的強烈依賴,通常帶有一定的負面意味。

5. 小鳥依人 英文的常見用法與短語

  • Clingy behavior: 描述一個人過度依賴他人,表現為總是追隨、需要不斷的關懷。
  • Dependent personality: 強調一個人在情感和行為上對他人的強烈依賴。

6. 小鳥依人 英文的同義詞與相關詞彙

  • Needy
  • Overattached
  • Reliant
  • Submissive


7. 小鳥依人 英文的文化涵義與象徵意義


8. 小鳥依人 英文的實際例子與應用場景





9. 小鳥依人 英文的常見錯誤用法與注意事項


10. 小鳥依人 英文的學習建議與資源推薦



小鳥依人 意思 與 小鳥依人 造句

  • 小鳥依人 意思: 表示一種對他人的強烈依賴和渴望被保護的情感狀態。
  • 小鳥依人 造句: 她對他的依賴如同小鳥依人,總是希望他在身邊照顧她。

總結而言,深入了解「小鳥 依 人 英文」這一詞彙的起源、應用和文化差異,將有助於更準確地理解和運用這一表達方式,使語言運用更加得心應手。同時,注意使用場合和情境,以避免誤解和不當使用詞彙。希望本文能夠為讀者提供全面的指南,使其在語言交流中更具自信。

類別: 收集 18 小鳥 依 人 英文

成語 - 小鳥依人 Chinese Idiom
成語 – 小鳥依人 Chinese Idiom

Chinese. Literally: “(as cute and helpless as) a little bird that must rely on a human in order to survive”.


Understanding the Meaning of 小鳥依人








FAQ 常見問題解答

1. 小鳥依人只用於描述愛情嗎?


2. 小鳥依人在不同文化中有相似的詞語嗎?

在不同文化和語言中,都存在形容類似感情的詞彙。比如,英語中的 “clingy” 或 “attached” 也可以表達類似的情感含義。

3. 這種感情模式是否健康?


4. 小鳥依人的象徵意義是什麼?





小鳥依人造句: Exploring the Delicate Art of Expressing Dependency in Chinese

小鳥依人 is a charming Chinese expression that vividly captures the essence of dependency and reliance. In this article, we delve into the depths of 小鳥依人造句, exploring its nuances, usage, and cultural significance. From its literal meaning to practical examples, this guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of 小鳥依人 and how it enriches the Chinese language.

小鳥依人: Unveiling the Literal Meaning

小鳥依人, when translated directly, means “little bird relies on a person.” This picturesque phrase paints a vivid image of a delicate bird seeking shelter and support from a caring individual. The symbolism embedded in 小鳥依人 goes beyond its literal meaning, carrying emotional undertones of vulnerability, trust, and interdependence.

Usage and Context

1. Expressing Dependence:

小鳥依人 is commonly used to convey the idea of one person depending on another emotionally or physically. It is often employed to describe relationships where one person relies on the support, care, or protection of another, creating a sense of closeness and intimacy.

2. Romantic Connotations:

This expression is frequently used in a romantic context to depict the tender reliance between partners. It beautifully encapsulates the idea of finding comfort and security in the presence of a loved one, emphasizing the strength of emotional bonds.

3. Depicting Fragility:

The imagery of a little bird seeking refuge suggests fragility and delicacy. When 小鳥依人 is used, it conveys a sense of vulnerability, highlighting the need for understanding and compassion in a relationship.

小鳥依人造句: Crafting Sentences with Artful Dependency

Now, let’s explore the art of constructing sentences using 小鳥依人. This involves incorporating the phrase into various contexts to effectively convey dependency and reliance in Chinese communication.


  1. 她對他的愛就像小鳥依人,充滿了柔情和依賴。
    Translation: Her love for him is like a little bird relying on a person, full of tenderness and dependence.

  2. 在困難的時候,他總是小鳥依人地依賴著她的支持。
    Translation: In difficult times, he always relies on her support like a little bird depending on a person.

  3. 他們的關係就像小鳥依人,兩人彼此緊密相連。
    Translation: Their relationship is like a little bird relying on a person, with the two closely connected to each other.

FAQ: Clarifying Doubts About 小鳥依人

Q1: What is the literal meaning of 小鳥依人?

A1: 小鳥依人 literally translates to “little bird relies on a person.” It symbolizes dependency, vulnerability, and the need for support.

Q2: How is 小鳥依人 commonly used in Chinese communication?

A2: 小鳥依人 is often used to express emotional or physical dependence between individuals, particularly in romantic relationships. It conveys a sense of reliance, tenderness, and intimacy.

Q3: Can 小鳥依人 be used outside of romantic contexts?

A3: Yes, 小鳥依人 can be used in various contexts to depict any form of dependence or reliance, not limited to romantic relationships. It can convey the idea of seeking support, care, or protection.

Q4: Are there alternative expressions with similar meanings?

A4: While 小鳥依人 is a unique expression, other phrases like 依賴他人 (rely on others) or 相互依存 (mutual dependence) convey similar ideas.


In conclusion, 小鳥依人 adds a touch of poetic elegance to the Chinese language, encapsulating the beauty of dependency and reliance. This guide has provided a comprehensive understanding of the phrase, from its literal meaning to practical usage. By incorporating 小鳥依人 into your language repertoire, you can enrich your expressions and convey the delicate nuances of interdependence in Chinese communication.

熱門 31 小鳥 依 人 英文

小鳥依人- 藍娣[唱片版] - Youtube
小鳥依人- 藍娣[唱片版] – Youtube
阿信合照Nba球員成「籃網福星」!超嬌羞畫面曝網笑:小鳥依人- 民視新聞網
阿信合照Nba球員成「籃網福星」!超嬌羞畫面曝網笑:小鳥依人- 民視新聞網
賈永婕曬小鳥依人照!200公分男子「超狂背景曝光」網驚:超級中鋒- 民視新聞網
賈永婕曬小鳥依人照!200公分男子「超狂背景曝光」網驚:超級中鋒- 民視新聞網
阿信合照Nba球員成「籃網福星」!超嬌羞畫面曝網笑:小鳥依人- 民視新聞網
阿信合照Nba球員成「籃網福星」!超嬌羞畫面曝網笑:小鳥依人- 民視新聞網


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